Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 1 Observations: Getting to know the Citizens of the Deep

My goal for these first few weeks is to gather and identify the various lifeforms I am seeing, in addition to observing general changes in the environment overall. On 10/19/10, after a week in a dark corner of a lab here at UTK, I had the opportunity to observe the mirco-denizens for quite sometime, making rough sketches of the various life forms which were quite abundant there. In later posts (after getting a good general library of the critters in my aquarium, I'll go into more detail - perhaps attempting to identify species etc.

Figure 1: Rotifers

Perhaps the most easily seen, these little guys are everywhere. They appear to be harvesting as the swim and crawl in and out of soil particles and among the plant stems. Reminiscent of fleas, these creatures appear to be collecting food with the shortest of the leg appendages that extend from beneath a shell-like structure. Also impressive are the apparent tail-like appendage extending from the rear of the creature - which is actually two tails side by side - perhaps used from steering as the jet through the water in search of the next meal.

Figure 2: Paramecium

Up next, these paramecium were quite prevalent. They would jet across my field of view from time to time. I was able to watch them en-masse within some kind of pod-like structure on the stem of the plants, when I noticed blurred movement along the edges of the inside of the pod. Upon adjusting the focus, 100's of these could be seen gathered within the pod, all vibrating maniacally.

Figure 3: Desmid

Found this thing out in the middle of the water off on it's own - striking symmetrical bump in the middle made it stand out - turns out to be a desmid, which is a type of algae. Perhaps pleuratonium->ehrengergii, though I'd need to spend more time in the Handbook of algae to be more sure.

There were other strange beings I have yet to identify out there - more next time!

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