Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 2 Observations: More Creatures of the (not so) Deep...

On Oct. 26th, I was able to spend some more time among my friends in the amazing world of the micro aquarium (TM). I observed some very interesting new creatures this time... these now joining the list of creatures that I will attempt to classify and identify down to the genus (and hopefully species?) within the next few sessions. But for now, I shall continue some casual observations as I swim among these delightful little creatures.

Figure 1: Possible Micro-Annelid: Styleria?

This guy was pretty amazing... a 'large' (~100 um) worm-like fellow with distinct segments, each segment delineated by approx 8 hairlike feelers (extending in pairs at four points around the circumference of the body. I was able to observe close up as this fellow feasted upon whatever it was that he was feasting upon among the particles of soil, stopping to eat in an area and then moving along a bit and stopping again... what appears to be a sticky 'tongue' would pop out at regular intervals and dab the soil.

Figure 2: Algae-like mass of hyphae. Hydrodictyion?

 This caught my eye because of the segmented, hyphae-like appearance of the filaments. Will be interested to know what this was.

Figure 3: Diatom?

 Striking because of its sharp corners and symmetrical appearance, my first guess is Diatom, but we'll see.

Figure 4: Stentor?

This was hard to catch and I observed at full magnification (40x) for several minutes. I was able to catch the motion of water as it apparently used suction to pull water/food into its funnel. My first guess is a Protozoa known as Stentor.

I am a bit behind on getting these posts up live, so the next one shall come sooner and will contain actual images from my observations on Nov. 2nd, when I was able to get some time on the imaging microscopes... neat stuff!

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